Ecstasy (MDMA) is both a stimulant (amphetamine-like) and mild calming (tranquilizing) substance. It is also called Adam, XTC, X, hug, beans, and the love drug. Ecstasy pills often have a logo, such as cartoon characters, stamped on them. This drug is most often taken as a pill, but the powder form is sometimes snorted or, rarely, injected into a vein. Buy MDMA Powder Online
This stimulant’s effects help a person dance for long periods of time without getting tired. Ecstasy is said to enhance the sense of pleasure and boost self-confidence. Its hallucinogenic effects include feelings of peacefulness, acceptance, and empathy.
People who use the drug claim they experience feelings of closeness with other people and want to touch or hug others.
Effects sought out by the user
Desire to communicate with others
Distorted perception of time
Heightened sensuality and increased need for intimacy
Heightening and distortion of sensory and enjoyment perceptions
Intensification of emotions
Lowered inhibitions
Reduced fatigue
Common toxic effects
When under the influence of this drug, the user feels neither fatigue nor thirst and becomes unresponsive to the alarm bells sent by the body.
Anxiety and insomnia
Back ache, muscle pain and tension
Defensive attitude
Depressive state (when coming down from the high)
Dilated pupils
Dry mouth
Flushing and excessive sweating
Increased heart rate
Irrational behaviour
Jaw tension
Loss of motivation
Mental fatigue
Motor tics, gait disturbance
Nystagmus (involuntary, jerky eye movements) and blurred vision
Obsessive behaviour
Sexual dysfunction: erectile dysfunction; may prevent women from reaching orgasm
Tachycardia (increased heart rate)
Teeth grinding
Trismus (masticatory muscle spasm)
Urinary retention or urgent need to urinate
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